The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

Tips and Tricks for Improving Your Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR)

Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, with millions of sellers offering their products to customers worldwide.

With such a vast marketplace, Amazon has implemented various rules and regulations to ensure that sellers maintain a high level of customer service. 

One of these rules is the Valid Tracking Rate (VTR). 

In this guide, we'll take a deep dive into Amazon VTR, how it works, and what your business needs to know.

What is Amazon VTR?

Amazon VTR is a metric that measures a seller's ability to provide valid tracking information for orders. 

In simple terms, it's a percentage of orders that have valid tracking information uploaded within the specified timeframe. 

Amazon VTR is calculated using the number of valid tracking IDs uploaded by the seller within the last 30 days, divided by the total number of orders in the same period.

The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) - photo 1

What is the tracking rate on Amazon?

The tracking rate on Amazon is the percentage of orders that have a tracking ID uploaded within the expected delivery window. 

Amazon expects sellers to upload tracking information within 24 hours of shipping the order, or before the estimated delivery date, whichever is earlier. 

The tracking rate is calculated by dividing the number of orders with tracking information uploaded by the seller by the total number of orders in the same period.

What is Valid Tracking Rate on Amazon?

Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) is a performance metric that measures the percentage of orders with valid tracking information uploaded within the expected delivery window. 

Amazon expects sellers to maintain a VTR of at least 95% for all shipped orders. If a seller's VTR falls below 95%, Amazon may take action, which can include account suspension or removal of selling privileges.

How do I fix Valid Tracking Rate on Amazon?

If your Valid Tracking Rate on Amazon is below the expected level, there are several steps you can take to improve it. Here are some tips:

  1. Ship orders on time: Ensure that you're shipping orders on time and uploading tracking information within 24 hours of shipment.
  2. Use reliable carriers: Use reliable carriers that offer real-time tracking information, so you can update tracking information promptly.
  3. Monitor your VTR regularly: Keep an eye on your VTR regularly and take corrective action if necessary.
  4. Use Amazon's tracking upload template: Use Amazon's tracking upload template to ensure that your tracking information is in the correct format.
  5. Resolve delivery issues: If there are any delivery issues, such as lost or damaged packages, resolve them promptly and provide updated tracking information to Amazon.

The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) - photo 2

What your business needs to know

Maintaining a high Valid Tracking Rate is critical for Amazon sellers. It not only ensures that your business stays in good standing with Amazon but also helps improve your customer service by providing timely and accurate tracking information. 

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can improve your Valid Tracking Rate and ensure that your business continues to thrive on Amazon.


Amazon Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) is a crucial metric for Amazon sellers, as it measures their ability to provide valid tracking information for orders. 

Maintaining a high VTR is essential for staying in good standing with Amazon and providing excellent customer service. 

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can improve your VTR and ensure that your business continues to succeed on Amazon.

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